
  • Dilora Gaffarovna Kazakova Senior teacher of Bukhara engineering-technological institute Foreign languages department


digital technology, digital technology in education, cloud technology, Internet of Things (IoT); augmented reality (AR); virtual reality (Virtual reality, VR).


Language teachers now have access to a wider range of tools for teaching languages and culture thanks to digital tools. By incorporating digital literacy into the language classroom, teachers can not only implement innovative educational methodologies, but also provide learners with training that will equip them to think and learn in an increasingly technologically driven society. At its core, digital literacy is a concept that encompasses all of the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate in a society that is based on knowledge and in which technological tools mediate information access. Digital literacy includes the following abilities, which are also included in traditional notions of literacy: the capacity to process, read, and write numerical data. However, in today’s digital world, literacy means being able to interact with, decipher, and manipulate multimedia content with a variety of "cognitive and technical" skills. Knowing how to open a secure internet connection and use virtual learning environments with built-in privacy safeguards are among the most important tasks that everyone, and education professionals in particular given the high sensitivity of the data they work with, must master. Digital literacy is the ability to strategically discern and integrate the use of technology to pursue personal, academic, and professional goals. Digital competencies are becoming a crucial component of teachers’ curriculum as digital solutions are about to become an integral part of teaching and school management. Therefore, it is not by chance that educational institutions are attempting to implement operational frameworks to direct the integration of technology into teaching and, more generally, daily operations. his article discusses  the importance of digital technology, cloud technologies, digital in education , as well as, the use of technology, the advantages of digital technology, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).



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Казакова Дилора Гаффаровна Способ активизации познавательной деятельности учащихся // Достижения науки и образования. 2019. №7 (48). URL:

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How to Cite

Kazakova, D. G. (2023). THE MAIN FEATURES OF USING DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION SYSTEM. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2(6), 134–139. Retrieved from