
  • Shaxnoza Muhammadiyevna Davlatova Tourism, with its multifaceted structure, affects all spheres of society’s life is actively influencing. It will develop many aspects of the economy makes it possible. Tourism is a complex and complex sector of the world economy which has a significant impact on the entire world economy. Separately it applies equally to the economy of countries and regions. Some International tourism is the only source of foreign exchange earnings in these countries.
  • Mohira Davron qizi Mardanova Denov Institute of Entrepreneurship and Pedagogy. Teacher of the Department of Foreign Language and Literature


tourism, export, import, economy, modernization, service, country development.


Tourism, with its multifaceted structure, affects all spheres of society’s life is actively influencing. It will develop many aspects of the economy makes it possible. Tourism is a complex and complex sector of the world economy which has a significant impact on the entire world economy. Separately it applies equally to the economy of countries and regions. Some International tourism is the only source of foreign exchange earnings in these countries.


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How to Cite

Davlatova , S. M., & Mardanova , M. D. qizi. (2022). ECONOMIC TERMS OF TOURISM IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMY. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 1(6), 211–217. Retrieved from