language testing, learner attitudes, learner perceptions, reading, EFL teaching and learning.Abstract
Research on second language acquisition continues to center on the impact of reading on general communicative ability. In instance, reading a lot gives students rich input and aids in language acquisition. Extensive reading (ER) has been found to be beneficial by research; nonetheless, there is currently little data demonstrating the connection between ER and general competence, and writing competence in particular. The current study looked into how teachers’ and students’ opinions on the use of ER related to overall English language proficiency. 40 Uzbek university students took part in the activity. Along with questionnaire answers and interview transcripts, the data also includes results from pre- and post-tests that gauge pupils’ abilities in reading, writing, and listening. The study’s conclusions suggest that there is some evidence to support the usefulness of ER for the student participants, which has consequences for English instruction and learning in EFL settings.
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