
  • Mokhiniso Oybekovna Mustafayeva Third-year student of Bukhara State University
  • Laylo Khamroyevna Xaydarova Teacher at the Department of English Literature and Translation Studies of Bukhara State University


diplomatic discourse, abbreviations, speech clichés


This article will describe diplomatic discourse in general and reveal its common problems in the translation field. As government policies all over the world negotiate with each other about this and that utilizing official business style, it becomes difficult for translators to interpret and translate their speech due to several issues arising in the speech, which will be discussed hereby and will be given several solutions to deal with them.


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How to Cite

Mustafayeva, M. O., & Xaydarova , L. K. (2023). DIFFICULTIES IN TRANSLATION OF DIPLOMATIC TEXTS. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2(24), 159–161. Retrieved from https://openidea.uz/index.php/idea/article/view/1958