
  • Sukhrob Tolkin ugli Temirov 3rd-year student of Bukhara State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Theory and Practice of Translation (English)


speech apparatus; speech; intoxication; age; emotional condition; diseases; articulatory defects.


The focus of the article is human oral speech. Currently, the study of the influence of various factors on the speech signal is one of the main tasks of applied speech science. In the work, an attempt was made to identify the factors that affect the speech apparatus and speech of a person. To determine them, a review and analysis of the scientific literature of Russian and foreign authors was carried out. Given the complexity and complexity of the process of speech production , when analyzing the factors, the phenomenon of oral speech was considered from the point of view of different disciplines: narcology, psycholinguistics, anatomy, phonoscopy , psychiatry, otolaryngology, psychology. As a result of the study, a number of factors were identified that affect the speech apparatus and speech of a person as a whole. These include: defects in the structure of the articulatory organs, intoxication, age, disease, and emotional state. However, it should be noted that in some cases it is difficult to establish which of the factors caused certain speech changes. In addition, experiments in this area are difficult, given the difficulty of detecting a neutral emotional state, as well as the possibility of imitation of speech by the speaker.



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How to Cite

Temirov, S. T. ugli. (2023). FACTORS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORAL SPEECH. Innovative Development in Educational Activities, 2(7), 111–115. Retrieved from https://openidea.uz/index.php/idea/article/view/1000